Thursday, November 12, 2009

Excursion Sculpture by the Sea

This Tuesday was AMEP's excursion.We were going to Sculpture by the Sea. It is in the Bondi Jection. This excursion was my first time so I got gathering place very early.At 9:20am,we were in the train to Bondi. When we arrived Bondi station, we needed by bus again. I met a thing was first time for me which I can buy concession ticket for TAFE student. That never happened for me.Just spend me $0.9,sounds very good.

When we were at exhibition, we found we can't understand the artist what wants to say.Every sculpture is abstract. For example, what's the meaning about two big eyes on the stone'? As we looked more,we try to guess and imagine. When we saw a sculpture that made by wire. The shape looks like cage and a man stands in the middle. It seems that he wants to run but he cann't because many wires wrapped him. We thought the artist reprsented modern society had more troubles. We had less freedom.

When we finished this excursion, I have got more experiences from sculpture and my friends. Say thanks for them and teachers.

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